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Showing posts from 2018

Bitter kola export secret.....

Do you know that you can make money very fast, here in Nigeria by exporting common bitter kola? Do you want to start a bitter kola export business but you don’t know how to go about it? Do you need a sample bitter kola export business plan template that you can use to raise funds or get loans from banks? Then I advice you read on . Bitter Kola or Garcinia Kola is a seed with great medicinal value. It is found abundantly in sub-Saharan Africa especially in Nigeria, where it is held in high esteem on the traditional front. Why You Should Start a Bitter Kola Export Business Today The demand for bitter kola in the international market has been on the high for some time now. This is because the seed is used in the pharmaceutical and food processing industries for the production of drugs, energy drinks, and other products. The demand is particularly high in countries such as the USA, Britain, Germany, France, Japan, India and some other Asian countries. The above statements

 Improving your memory doesn’t have to be boring and tedious. Surprise!

Want to Improve Your Memory? Science Tells Us the Key (and It Can Actually Be Fun) Do you remember where you were when you had your first kiss? It’s funny, the things our memory can dredge up. I remember what I was wearing the day I passed my driver’s license road testand became a driver. We probably all remember where we were when the Twin Towers fell in New York, no matter where we were in the world. So many of our memories are defined by, or at least associated with, major life events. We can  recall these things , and yet since becoming a dad, there are days I can’t quite remember what I had for breakfast! There’s a reason for that. A  research study  led by the University of Edinburgh explored the science behind the biological processes that drive the creation of our memories. It’s called “flashbulb memory,” and understanding this one little concept can help you improve your own ability to remember important information. Researchers found that when they exp

How to improve your EQ may help you grow in your emotional

One of the best ways to develop empathy is to ask plenty of questions and do more listening than talking.  If you  work in a corporate environment (and even if you don’t) you’ve likely heard someone extol the virtues of ‘emotional intelligence.’ You may have even taken an emotional intelligence test at work (like  DiSC , for example), to assess how you interact with others and gauge your strengths. It’s no wonder: A  study , published by the American Psychological Association, suggests that self-reported emotional intelligence predicts job performance beyond cognitive ability and  personality traits . “We know from research (and common sense) that people who understand and manage their own and others’ emotions make better leaders. They are able to  deal with stress , overcome obstacles and inspire others to work toward collective goals. They manage conflict with less fallout and build stronger teams. And they are generally  happier at work , too,” according to a 2016

Mr Paul saw a young and sexy lady standing by the road side waiting for a taxi

This happened yesterday night around my side in Osun State Nigeria, where a newly married man named Paul was on his way going home yesterday after work around 8pm and his wife was waiting for him to come home.. on his way home Mr Paul saw a young and sexy lady standing by the road side waiting for a taxi and Mr Paul was attracted by her beauty then he stopped to check her out the babe refused to give him any attention. Mr Paul alighted his car and approached her, urging her to respond to him but still she ignored him and started walking away. He followed this babe for almost an hour out of concern for her safety at night and for his own selfish interest. Suddenly, she stopped and faced him then said "Oga, I know why you are following me and I know what you want from me." Paul smiled at her slyly then turned his phone off as his wife's incessant calls were bothering him. It was almost 11pm.. the babe told him she'd have sex with him if he would be nice to her so he